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Configuration of Opera Integration

Your Opera integration will allow you to post your payments and Spa Revenue to Opera in real time through the FIAS interface.

You can also charge spa treatments to guest rooms and individual PF accounts.

To integrate Trybe with Opera you’ll need to firstly contact your Opera account manager requesting an engineer's time to complete the configuration work on the Oracle side. Please note that Opera tend to have a 4 week lead time with booking in their engineers. You will need 4 hours of an engineer's time to complete the configuration. Please make sure that when you get a date and time from Oracle to check with your Trybe account manager as we will also need to book in an engineer's time. 

Once we have a date confirmed for the integration, you will need to set up your Revenue Centres and Payment types in Trybe. This will then help you with completing the split sheet (see screenshots).

When you've completed those sections, you'll be able to complete the split table. To do this, head to Integrations > Manage Integrations > Opera > and select ‘Split table’ to download a spreadsheet to complete and send on to Opera.

This spreadsheet will contain the Revenue centres and Payment types shaded in the yellow columns and then you will need to fill out the pink columns accordingly with the Paymaster and Transaction codes set up in Opera. You will notice on the spreadsheet there will be one extra Revenue Centre and two extra Payment Names. These will need to be created in your Opera system accordingly for us to map too. See the section on ‘Integration Behaviour’ for details on what these will be used for. When setting these up in Opera we would suggest adding Trybe to the name i.e. ‘Trybe - Deposit’

Once all is set up and the transaction codes have been mapped, when an order is Checked out in Trybe the revenue will go to the correct revenue centre/ transaction codes in Opera.