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What are Area booking types and how can I create them?

Area booking types are anything that can just generally be booked out by a group and/or individuals at any time and for any duration. For example, Afternoon Tea. 
To create Area booking types head to Settings > Area booking types >Add new area booking type.  

> Start time intervals - you can control how frequently this Area booking type can be booked. E.g. if you select 15 mins, the appointment will be bookable in 15 minute intervals i.e. 10:00, 10:15, 10:30 etc. 

> Duration - you can select a time frame for this area booking types duration, i.e between 60 and 180 mins, if you only want one set period of time you can write between 60 and 60 mins. 

> Duration interval - this is in relation to the Min and Max Duration you have set up in the above section. Now you can set an interval of duration options there are between the Min and Max duration. E.g. in the example you can see a 60 min duration interval has been selected so this area booking can be booked for 60, 120 and 180 minutes.

Once you have filled this out press 'Create'.

If you select the three dots next to the area booking type you will be able to 'Edit', 'Copy' or 'Archive', the area booking.

To add more information to the Area booking type, select 'Edit'
Then work through these steps within the Area booking type as required: