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Discount types and Promo codes

In this section you can create discount types and promo codes. Both discount types and promo codes can be applied to an order by a user in the app. However, only promo codes can be used by customers on the shop front, discount types cannot be used on the shop front.

To create a discount type/ promo code head to Settings > Discount types and Promo codes > 'Add new discount type or promo code' > in this pop up you will then be able to choose to create a discount type (app only) or a promo code (customer use and usable in app too).

You can then enter the 'code' and select 'Create'.

On your collection of discount types and promo codes there will be various labels associated with each type/ code.

  • Discount type (App only)

  • Promo code (For customer use)

  • Set up incomplete - there are some settings that if left blank will result in the code not being fully set up and therefore not ready to use yet

  • Ready for use - when this label is shown the code is all set up and ready to be applied to an order!