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How to create a multi-person membership?

Do you offer joint / family memberships where all payments are taken care of by a lead member? If so, you can use the 'Multi-person' function to create these memberships!

To make a membership 'Multi-person' you can head to Settings > Membership types > Add new type/ edit an existing type > scroll down to the 'Multi-person membership' section. (Please view the Membership types guide for any further info on creating membership types!)

In this section you will be able to choose from the following options:

  • Single person only - This is the default setting for single memberships. If this remains selected then when a single person membership is added to a client profile you will not be able to added any additional members.

  • Couples only - This will be a membership for up to 2 people. If this is selected then when a couples only membership is added to a client profile you will be able to add 1 additional member.

  • Custom - This can be used for memberships for more than 2 people i.e. a family or group membership.

    • You will then be able to enter in the 'Max members' for this membership i.e. if you enter in 5 here then when this membership is added to a client profile you will be able to add a max of 4 additional members.

When you have chosen whether you want the membership to be single, couples or custom you will have to select 'Save multi-person membership' to save the changes.