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How to enable cancellation online?

To assist with preventing no shows, you can allow customers to cancel their Order online from the 'Accounts' page on the shop should they no longer be able to make their booking.

To allow customers to do this you will need to enable cancellations online!

Before you begin setting this up in your offering settings you will need to head to your Shop settings.

How to enable cancellation online?

To enable customer cancellation online head to Settings > Shop settings > scroll to 'Advance settings'.

Here you will see a button for 'Enable customer cancellation online', if you toggle this on this will then meant that customers can now cancel items online but this will only be when the item allows it. Remember to 'Save'.

Once you have enabled customer cancellation you will then have to go into the individual offerings and choose what items can be cancelled. Select the next step to see how this is done!