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Membership booking windows

On all your offerings you can generally set up the timeframe in the future from today that your customers can book (Earliest booking) and the latest amount of time customers can book before the date (Latest booking).

If depending on the Membership Type you allow some members to book further in advance or closer to the booking date you can set up the rules dependent on the membership type of the customer - voila!

To do this head to Settings > Appointment types/ Session types/ Area booking types/ Packages > edit.

On the settings page for this offering, scroll to Membership settings.

Here you will see the option of 'Membership booking windows'. If you toggle this on the options will appear where you can start setting up restrictions for different membership types by selecting 'Add new booking window'.

The options are:

  • Membership type - select the membership from the drop down menu. This will display all of the membership types in your system. View the guide on creating membership types here.

  • Earliest booking - choose when to open up bookings. For example, if you select 7 days here bookings for 30th June will be available from 23rd June. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed. 

  • Latest booking - choose when to close bookings. For example, if you select 4 hours here bookings for 5pm will be available until 1pm. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed.

You can set up different 'Earliest booking' and 'Latest booking' restrictions to as many membership types as you want!

To save your membership booking windows, remember to scroll down to the bottom of the page and 'Save'.

Once you have added your earliest and latest booking restrictions to your members, this will mean when they are logged in on the shop they will only be able to book within the booking window that has been set up for that offering and their membership type! If the customer tries to select a slot that is outside of the booking window they will not be able to book. A warning message will appear telling them when the booking window opens or closes.

Please see example in second screenshot. In this example, this member has a latest booking of '4 days before'. This member tried to book the 11:45am slot for 2nd November. They were trying to book this in on 31/10/2022. Therefore, when the slot is selected, they are informed that they cannot book as:

'This appointment cannot be booked after 11:45 on 29 October'