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Earliest / Latest booking

Do you only allow bookings to be made so far in advance i.e. for the next 30 days?

Or, do you only allow bookings to be made no less than 6 hours in advance?

If so, we have the very settings you'll need …

To access this head to Settings > Packages > edit > Availability. 

You will then be able to set an 'Earliest booking' and 'Latest booking' if needed.

  • Earliest booking - choose how far in advance to open up bookings. For example, if you set this as 7 days and a customer tries to make a booking on the 23rd June, they will only see availability to book for the 23rd-30th June and no later. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed. 

  • Latest booking - choose how far in advance to close bookings. For example, if you select 4 hours and a customer tries to make a booking at 1pm, the earliest they can make a booking for that day would be from 5pm onwards. You can leave this as 'None' if no restrictions are needed.