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Revenue allocations breakdown

To access this report head to Reports > Revenue allocations breakdown. 

This report will break the revenue down by the individual orders within the date range set. You can change the date range by selecting on the default date that is shown and select a new date from the drop down calendar. 

It will list...

  • Revenue date - date of the order

  • Order ref - select on the order ref to take you directly to the order

  • Item - the specific item for in the order

  • Item type - appointment, session, package, product etc. 

  • All the revenue centres you have created will have a column and the revenue will be displayed in whichever revenue centres the item in the order is linked to

  • Total - scroll along using the bar to see the total revenue for each order 

If you would like you can also filter the report by selecting 'Add filter'. A pop up will then appear where you can toggle on the following filters:

  • Offerings - if you toggle this on you will be able to filter the report by offering type i.e. Packages, Sessions etc.

  • Item date - if you toggle this on if you want to be able to filter the report by 'Item date', the date the item is booked in for.

You can also export this report into an excel spreadsheet, to do this select the 'Export' button. Here you will then be able to save/ print the report if needed.