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Revenue by sales channel

To view this head to the Reports tab and this is the top Report in the Sales section.

This report will shows the revenue that has come in based on the different sales channels and revenue centres you have set up. This is based on the revenue realised date. You can change the date range by selecting on the default date that is shown and select a new date from the drop down calendar. 

The report is broken up by...

  • Sales channel - this is where the orders have come from i.e. website, email etc. (Any that are listed as 'Unknown' are any orders that have not been assigned a sales channel) How to create sales channels?

  • Orders - the amount of orders made through that specific sales channel

  • Net Revenue - this will show the total amount of net revenue generated across all revenue centres for that sales channel

  • The various revenue centres will be listed in the report so you can see where the revenue is going i.e. Spa Treatments, Food & Beverage etc. How to create revenue centres? 

You can also filter this report to do this select 'Add filter', here you can then toggle on the following filters:

  • Revenue date - Filter for items with a revenue date between these dates

  • Sales channel - Filter to just items of the selected channel

  • Revenue centre - Filter to just items of the selected revenue centre

  • Received date - Filter to only include orders submitted between these dates

  • Item date - Filter to only include items booked in for between these dates